Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Do you need a supplement and if so which one?

The recommended daily allowances (RDA) for nutrients have been developed in the 1950 with the main reason to determine levels to prevent deficiencies such as scurvy and rickets. Every 7 years a large professional committee reevaluates the RDA due to recent research. Overall these levels have not changed much.

There has been research done on pharmacological levels of individual nutrients such as Vitamin C for example. However optimal levels have not been determined yet.

Most people take a multi vitamin/mineral supplement for extra insurance since it is very difficult to know exactly how much we get with our daily food. However two questions arise: can you take too much and do you really get what the label says.

The danger of taking too much is true for fat-soluble vitamins ADEK and minerals and trace minerals. Excess intake of water-soluble vitamins as the B-complex and Vitamin C is being flushed out easily.

The second question if you really get what the label says is legitimate as the production of supplements is not being regulated. Consumer labs reported in 2009 that 50% of multivitamins on the market do not have what they say on the labels.

How is the average consumer supposed to know then what levels of nutrients to take or which is the best product.

There is a valid method to determine how to choose a good quality multivitamin. Learn from the expert either Wednesday May 25th at 11:30 or Wednesday June 1 at 6pm.

At Pilates Health Connexion, 7078 Beracasa Way, Boca Raton, FL 33433
rsvp now to 826-7770

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