Sunday, September 12, 2010

Foundations of Pilates

by Suzanne Diffine
What makes Pure Classical Pilates so distinctive? Joseph Pilates’ unique method of physical fitness is a whole body workout. Mastery of The Method will improve posture, mental acuity, proprioception, core strength, and coordination. It is designed to prepare the body for daily life.
The classical system is comprised of a specific sequence of exercises, providing a wide variety of modifications for a variety of physical issues. Exercises are sequenced for a reason. They are not just randomly selected. Renowned trainer Peter Fiasca notes that, “Each exercise – and each set of exercises – must build upon the proper placement, articulation, energy, flow, and shape of the preceding exercise or set of exercises” (Fiasca, Discovering Pure Classical Pilates). Certain muscles act as stabilizers, enabling other muscles to mobilize. As the body constantly moves through the repertoire, tremendous mental concentration is required to maintain proper alignment.
The repertoire and the complexity of The Method “is sufficiently complex to study for a lifetime…” (Fiasca, Discovering Pure Classical Pilates). Pilates “Elder” Jay Grimes agrees. Grimes studied directly under Joseph Pilates and has taught for forty years. He confesses that it takes at least 3-5 years to master Pilates. But don’t let that discourage you. You will feel and look better within a few sessons.

1 comment:

  1. Pilates is the best exersise of all but but ready to mentally preapred
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